Ntakataredd + project in Tanzania

The project, located in the Tanganyika District, covers 216,000 ha of land, and prevents the deforestation of over 1.25m trees each year The project will reduce emissions through avoided deforestation by over 5.7m tons of CO2eover the project’s first 10 years A collaborative approach enables partnership between the project developer, Carbon Tanzania, and the District … Continued

Northern Kenya Grasslands

This flagship soil carbon project is the world’s largest, covering over 2 million hectares of community managed rangeland Started in 2013, the project involves the introduction of community conservancies that employ planned rotational grazing that materially reduces the degradation and over grazing typical in the region; this results in improved conditions for soil and grass … Continued

Improved kitchen regimes, Malawi

The project focuses on rehabilitating boreholes to provide clean water to communities The reduced reliance on firewood for water purification preserves existing forest stock, protects natural forest ecosystems and wildlife habitats The clean water improves sanitation and hygiene and money that was used to treat disease and fund hospital visits can now be used at … Continued

Reforestation of degraded forest reserves, Ghana

This project is located in the Ashanti region of Ghana and plans to reforest 15k hectares in total It aims to restore degraded forest reserves by establishing a large, sustainable, commercial plantation with teak and indigenous trees species 15 native species will be planted including endangered species The project provides more than 1,000 jobs, 40% … Continued