ATPI Africa Portfolio

Protecting forests for farmers, wildlife and climate

• The project, located in the Tanganyika District, covers 216,000 ha of land, and prevents the deforestation of over 1.25m trees each year
• The project will reduce emissions through avoided deforestation by over 5.7m tons of CO2eover the project’s first 10 years
• A collaborative approach enables partnership between the project developer, Carbon Tanzania, and the District Government and local village communities, improving land protection and governances across the project area
• Carbon revenues are utilized to provide health services, develop school infrastructure, improve farming practices, develop new crops, plant woodlots for fuelwood, and cultivate fruit trees. In total, improving the livelihoods of over 20,000 individuals.
• The project protects habitat for 13 endangered species, including the Eastern Chimpanzee and African Elephant as well as 38 large mammal species and 261 bird species
• Verra and CCB Triple Gold Certified